
Oh wait. I seem to forget my full name. Gagah Putra Arifianto. That’s my full name. And i was born into this world on June 11, 1990.

What i do

I’m a student, so studying is mostly what i’m doing. Oh wait, not really. If there are two things that i can proudly say as what i (and will continue to) do ย in this world, it’s reading & writing. Some people might identify what they do with jobs or occupation they have, but i’m not one of them. If tomorrow i found a company and my company got sold to Google or Facebook for $1 billion, i’d still wrote ย my job as a reader and a writer. But since i haven’t actually start any company, you can just for now call me a procrastinator who’s too proud to say he don’t have anything to do so he filled “reading & writing” as his occupation.

What i do, really

No, really. I’m a reader & a writer. I read lots of stuff that inspires me, and write about things that interests me. I write (for now) mostly through online platform such as kompasiana & politikana, and also through this blog. But occasionally i wrote a piece for newspaper & magazines. I also have started blog in the past called setengahmateng.com & teknologging.net.

ย What i’m passionate about

I got real passion in technology, but really into the analytical stuff in everything including politics, design, user-interface & user experience.